Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oh man! Where To Start?

I'm so happy I'm not that poor lady on TLC's "What Not to Wear" who was wearing an eggplant outfit. EW! 

 Welcome to Miss. Diane's little blog.
I never thought I would create my own blog but now  it's the best time. I hate cooking. Not only do I hate cooking, I suck at it. For many many years I've single-handedly lived off of take-out and I've never baked a cake before last week. and I still can't make it taste good. It's pretty sad and hilarious! 
I'm also going to make this my connection while I travel out and about! Some personal information might make on here, but nothing juicy! ha! 
While I was thinking of something witty to type next, I spilled hot tea all over my jeans. 

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