Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Fantastic Saturday Night In!

I'm starting to fail at this blogging life style. ha!  Yesterday was my "day off" but I ended up working a double. It sucked because my poor beetle needed to go into the shop, but I needed the money. Plus what else would I really have to do.
   I took Saturday night off, I figured I went out Thursday, hung out for a bit on Friday, Diane wanted her time. I cleaned my room, did laundry, almost caught my house on fire with the fireplace. It was pretty sweet.
   I'm thinking I might bake tonight. I haven't in a few days not because I didn't want to, I haven't had the time. My birthday cake was pretty amazing. I wonder if I could make a marble cake or a super amazing chocolate cake. Almost like a devil's food cake that would be pretty sweet. I don't have to work til 5pm. I need to get some motivation to move out of bed before 10am.

1 comment:

  1. Did you make your cake? I love devil's food or black magic cake with buttercream frosting. Nice blog.
