Wednesday, July 21, 2010

All things considering.. I can't believe my life right now. I never thought it would ever really make sense, but I feel like things are starting to fall in place. EEkk!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

It had to start somewhere...

     I haven't updated since the walk because I still couldn't figure out the right words for everything. But now, after almost 3 weeks everything came together this week. While sitting on this bench with Brendan, everything came together. . We sat there for a while looking over the Charles. It was peaceful and beautiful. I finally had a chance to realize what I accomplished and how it has helped changed my life. 

   . I remember talking about The Overnight Walk with my Ma in the Bahama's. This was just another silly idea that started out on a napkin. Isn't that how some great success stories begin?! I think so!! I remember mentioning it to her the first night and then on the last night after battling New York vs. New Jersey at a bar, we ended up at our favorite little place with Kendel, our favorite bartender.  

Then the training started, first the biking the walking. The training walks were the best. I always looked forward to them on Tuesday nights. The past few weeks without walking on Tuesday I feel like I should be doing something.

The best part was the fundraising.. Thank you to everyone who supported us at every event. First, there was the Dough Raiser at Uno's which helped raise $200. Wooh Nellie! That's amazing.. Thank you friends for coming out and drinking beers!! We all know that helped. Thank you to the table of older ladies who read the article in the newspaper. Laura, without your help it wouldn't have been a success.  The next was the mailing.. I have never seen my parents work so hard to send out 700 letters to family, friends, and co-workers. It's a blessing they went through all of that work. Finally, the grand finale, The Poker Tournament. Mikey and Tre opened up their house to an amazing event. It was the best way to kick off the summer. I couldn't even believe how awesome everything came together for that weekend. 

The night before the walk was Mikey and Tre's Shower. If this was only a snapshot of what the wedding is going to be like..oh boy! It was all about them and nothing else matter. To see my brother happy means the world to me. I don't know how they do it but something works for them. I can't believe those two are getting married. I couldn't be happier! This night was all about them and there was nothing but love in the air. It really was magical. It was priceless. 

After sleeping in all day and not really doing much of anything..Besides enjoy a home-cooked chicken parm lunch. And trying to recover another broken-down Beetle experience.. The Overnight was here. It started in Government Center, and went all through Boston,along the Charles, thru BU, around Fenway. Up Bolyston, around South Station, next stop was Castle Island in Southie. Then to where the ICA is in the Seaport area then thru The North End, past the Garden. I was super excited to see the Bobby Orr statue.. but it was at 2:45am and I was getting tired. I remember walking by the Garden and there could be a possibly I was skipping with burst of energy.  I did it. The hardest part of the night was walking around the corner and seeing all of the bags lit up along Government Center. Each bag represent a loved one. That was heartbreaking.. When a person is surviving a loss of suicide they feel alone. To see all of the bags lit up in Government Center I didn't feel alone. After the walk, I remember being in so much pain. I hurt my knee and was barely able to walk. I limped around like a 90 year old lady. It was pretty funny. We got home at about 4 am and curled up in bed. A huge thank you goes out to everyone that helped support us along. Thank you to Ma and Dad for stepping outside of your comfort zone. 
Next year is in New York.. I can't wait!!  

Monday, March 1, 2010

I'll be back in 90 days to blog.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

OMG! There's a snow storm! what do to! The same thing we do every year, jackass!

So the Bruins are playing in Prague on Oct. 9th and 10th. I want to go. Not only do I want to go but  I need to figure out how to achieve this. I have so many goals for 2010 with traveling this would make it an epic adventure!
Spring- Roadtrip
August- Cruise for my brother's fiance bachelorette party leaving from Miami going to Cozumel and then to Key West.
September- My brother's wedding!!! ek!
October- (Bruins in Prague!!!)
January- Disney World for a family vacation!

Oh man, that would make for a very interesting and exciting year. I've always wanted to travel and now I feel like I'm going too.  eekkkk!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I can't take it anymore!!

Today is day 2 of Diane being sick. I can't take it. I'm not one to stop living for a few days to take care of myself. I haven't eaten a full meal since Sunday afternoon which was a small bowl of pasta and a side caesar salad. Nothing too fulling. I would love to have a massive steak and cheese sub, but I don't think that would be the best idea. ha!

I can't wait until Thursday to bake cupcakes. I need to bake tonight. It's my goal:shower then cupcakes!

I don't think being sick and baking is a smart idea, but I can't sit around and not do anything. It's only been a day and I'm going loco. I've watched more awful television in a 24hour time span then I've wanted to see.
Of course, with any baking mission there's going to be pictures with my awesome Mac Book built-in camera!

I'm going to use a simple recipe from Williams-Sonoma's  Cake. It's the birthday cake recipe that's super simple and hopefully my next update will be filled with success!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Picture of the Day!



I hate being sick, there's nothing more aggravating to me then being sick.
 I'm so sick I can't think clearly enough to blog. Super sad face. 
Moving on, this week's baking challenge is going to be cupcakes. I know it 
sounds simple but cupcakes are fun and exciting and just cute enough to make someone smile! 
I wish had cupcake toppers. Maybe I'll find something on here!  I always can find something useful.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Fantastic Saturday Night In!

I'm starting to fail at this blogging life style. ha!  Yesterday was my "day off" but I ended up working a double. It sucked because my poor beetle needed to go into the shop, but I needed the money. Plus what else would I really have to do.
   I took Saturday night off, I figured I went out Thursday, hung out for a bit on Friday, Diane wanted her time. I cleaned my room, did laundry, almost caught my house on fire with the fireplace. It was pretty sweet.
   I'm thinking I might bake tonight. I haven't in a few days not because I didn't want to, I haven't had the time. My birthday cake was pretty amazing. I wonder if I could make a marble cake or a super amazing chocolate cake. Almost like a devil's food cake that would be pretty sweet. I don't have to work til 5pm. I need to get some motivation to move out of bed before 10am.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oh man! Where To Start?

I'm so happy I'm not that poor lady on TLC's "What Not to Wear" who was wearing an eggplant outfit. EW! 

 Welcome to Miss. Diane's little blog.
I never thought I would create my own blog but now  it's the best time. I hate cooking. Not only do I hate cooking, I suck at it. For many many years I've single-handedly lived off of take-out and I've never baked a cake before last week. and I still can't make it taste good. It's pretty sad and hilarious! 
I'm also going to make this my connection while I travel out and about! Some personal information might make on here, but nothing juicy! ha! 
While I was thinking of something witty to type next, I spilled hot tea all over my jeans. 

Cakes, Frosting and Cookie.. oh my!


So earlier I decided that my baking challenge tonight was chocolate chip cookies.

When I started, I was gathering all the ingredients  and realized I was missing just about everything..ha of course! After a quick trip to the local Stop and Shop, I was ready to go! 
My good lord they are delicious! I took out the butter about 4 hours in advance and let them warm up by the wood-burning stove which an incredible difference.  I was ambitious enough to tackle the vanilla cake and chocolate frosting.. Oh yes I did! 
The cake came out amazing and the frosting is just enough chocolate and wasn't over powering or like the old frosting. 
Oh my! Everything came out so yummy! 

Just Desserts

I am a fan of list. Writing a list of things to get done in the day. What I need when I go out shopping, how I go about cleaning my room. I know it's a little OCD but it keeps me focus. Today, another item was put on "My 2010 Year List"..... DIANE'S GOING ON A CRUISE!!! It's a 4 day cruise that leaves out of Miami and goes to Key West and Cozemule for my brother's fiances bachelorette party! I'm super excited! 

Something else I'm excited for is my baking adventures for tonight. I'm going to try to bake chocolate chip cookies. Please understand the key word is "try". My first cake didn't contain any vanilla extract just anise extract. It looked like a cake, it smelled like a italian cookie and tasted like an italian cookie that should have been thrown out a week ago. My second cake, was a step above the first. It contain the right extract but it didn't rise. How can a cake not rise!!! It was discouraging and I haven't baked since then. It's time I try again. I am going to master these chocolate chip cookies. It contains two sticks of butter which need to be at room temperature. I put the butter near the wood burning fire for a few hours. The key to baking is butter. I never knew that. Honestly, I don't know much about cooking or baking but I am really excited to figure it out. 

Earlier, I successfully made popcorn on the stove top.
Future advise: Use a much bigger pan or less kernels.