Wednesday, February 10, 2010

OMG! There's a snow storm! what do to! The same thing we do every year, jackass!

So the Bruins are playing in Prague on Oct. 9th and 10th. I want to go. Not only do I want to go but  I need to figure out how to achieve this. I have so many goals for 2010 with traveling this would make it an epic adventure!
Spring- Roadtrip
August- Cruise for my brother's fiance bachelorette party leaving from Miami going to Cozumel and then to Key West.
September- My brother's wedding!!! ek!
October- (Bruins in Prague!!!)
January- Disney World for a family vacation!

Oh man, that would make for a very interesting and exciting year. I've always wanted to travel and now I feel like I'm going too.  eekkkk!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I can't take it anymore!!

Today is day 2 of Diane being sick. I can't take it. I'm not one to stop living for a few days to take care of myself. I haven't eaten a full meal since Sunday afternoon which was a small bowl of pasta and a side caesar salad. Nothing too fulling. I would love to have a massive steak and cheese sub, but I don't think that would be the best idea. ha!

I can't wait until Thursday to bake cupcakes. I need to bake tonight. It's my goal:shower then cupcakes!

I don't think being sick and baking is a smart idea, but I can't sit around and not do anything. It's only been a day and I'm going loco. I've watched more awful television in a 24hour time span then I've wanted to see.
Of course, with any baking mission there's going to be pictures with my awesome Mac Book built-in camera!

I'm going to use a simple recipe from Williams-Sonoma's  Cake. It's the birthday cake recipe that's super simple and hopefully my next update will be filled with success!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Picture of the Day!



I hate being sick, there's nothing more aggravating to me then being sick.
 I'm so sick I can't think clearly enough to blog. Super sad face. 
Moving on, this week's baking challenge is going to be cupcakes. I know it 
sounds simple but cupcakes are fun and exciting and just cute enough to make someone smile! 
I wish had cupcake toppers. Maybe I'll find something on here!  I always can find something useful.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Fantastic Saturday Night In!

I'm starting to fail at this blogging life style. ha!  Yesterday was my "day off" but I ended up working a double. It sucked because my poor beetle needed to go into the shop, but I needed the money. Plus what else would I really have to do.
   I took Saturday night off, I figured I went out Thursday, hung out for a bit on Friday, Diane wanted her time. I cleaned my room, did laundry, almost caught my house on fire with the fireplace. It was pretty sweet.
   I'm thinking I might bake tonight. I haven't in a few days not because I didn't want to, I haven't had the time. My birthday cake was pretty amazing. I wonder if I could make a marble cake or a super amazing chocolate cake. Almost like a devil's food cake that would be pretty sweet. I don't have to work til 5pm. I need to get some motivation to move out of bed before 10am.