Monday, August 4, 2014


Forgiveness is a power tool a person can use. It proves that no matter who was wrong, you've let go of the situation. It proves your heart can heal from what has happend and you can move on from the past.
  I've forced myself to find forgiveness to those who abused my trust and I've found forgiveness in myself. Life is tough, it's not easy. I believe anything that isn't easy is completely worth it. Take the higher road, ride it to the top and look over that mountain to the beauty of the land that in compasses forgivness. Do you and good things will happen. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Farwell to my favorites

A few products I finished this week are some of my favorites. I may have been the last to know that Fekkai Summer Hair was discounted like 3 years ago!! Talk about disappointment. This stuff lasted forever!! Clarins Total Eye Concentrate & Skin Illusions are phemonial. I'm happy I have a TCE on hand. Im so sad this little sample of Darphin Hydraskin Light is gone. I swear this sample lasted me like a month!! It's so perfect for my combination skin. It contains lavender, kiwi fresh cells, and hyaluronic acid. Darphin is formulated from natural ingredients, non-comedogenic and fee of parabens. I definitely going to buy this one asap!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Holy moly hiatus

It's been roughly 4 years since I've last wrote anything on this blog. A tremendous amount can happen in 4 years. To start I'm living with my love, Brendan and we have a kitten named, Phoebe. I am no longer a broke college student but a broke young adult. (I guess that didn't change). Now that I've upgraded my phone and have easier access to share my thoughts, pictures and experiences. I am delighted to share these adventures with everyone!
Happy Wednesday!